In Memory

Anne Dandrea

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04/12/10 12:16 PM #1    

Anne Poggemann (Prestwor)

Anne and I shared the same first name. She was fun and kind. We had gym class together one semester - it was 'disco dancing'. OMG. Anyway, the class was assigned to partner up and prepare a dance for a grade. I remember Anne and I practicing the standard "Saturday Night Fever" moves in her basement and laughing a lot. It was an embarrassing assignment. But we had a lot of fun kidding around. She was a friend whom I did not keep up with after graduation, and I was saddened to hear of her death. Anne was smart and funny and creative and a good friend. I am happy to remember her here.

04/27/10 07:35 PM #2    

Lynn Freiesleben (O'Brien)

Anne was flute player at Hawthorne. I remember her being really quiet and shy. She was dressed up a lot, as I recall.

04/28/10 10:27 PM #3    

Sue Evaska (Jablonski)

Anne was the best friend you could ever have.  She never said an unkind word.  She taught me how to love others as yourself.  She introduced me to my husband and was a bridesmaid at my wedding.  I want to set the record straight, Anne did NOT take her own life.  She died of undetermined natural causes.  

05/04/10 08:19 PM #4    

Christine Otten (Dawley)

I first met Anne in ninth grade at Longfellow. I was new to the school, last chair in the flute section in band and Anne sat to my left. She was gracious and kind to me which was amazing, as I kept hitting the foot joint of her flute with my arm, which meant Anne's flute would jab into her mouth on a regular basis. Not comfortable for her at all. Somehow despite my clumsiness we became good friends, espcecially through high school and marching band. I remember the two Annes (Anne Poggemann and Anne Dandrea) and the two Chrises (Chris Maxey and Chris Otten) sharing a room when the band and orchestra went to New York for Thanksgiving, 1977. Anne had a heart of gold and a great sense of humor. We would laugh so hard about something we could hardly talk. When I think of Anne today I smile at the thought of the wonderful young woman I was privledged to know.

05/09/10 10:39 PM #5    

Sue Evaska (Jablonski)

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