Laurel Kasemodel Kashinn

Profile Updated: May 29, 2021
Residing In: Cedarburg, WI USA
Spouse/Partner: Anthony Kashinn
Occupation: Certified Ghostwriter & Résumé Writer
Children: Am blessed with our beautiful daughter, Elizabeth, born right after I turned 40 in 2002. She's a pure More…joy filled with grace and an amazing musician.

I also have a beloved stepdaughter, Michelle, who's just 6 years younger than us, born in 1968--and 34 years older than her sister!! (My hubby was 20 when she was born.) Mick has two children (my step grandkids) one now in college and the other in high school (as of 2021), Sybil and Colin.

My first "kid" in our marriage was our sweet collie-shepherd, "Gentleman Max," who departed from us physically in 2005 at the age of 14. El was 3 then.

We now have Rocket, a bright, loving, and fearless Decker terrier born in 2007. He's 13 now, he's completely deaf, and only has 5 teeth left but he's otherwise still very active playful and in good health.

We also just adopted early in COVID, a wonderful ginger cat named Pawpurr Louie, who came to us rather miraculously via our classmate, Catharine White. We've been connected for years on FB but I don't recall seeing any of her posts in my news feed until the day I happened to log in and there was this photo of a stray cat she'd been feeding on her porch all winter. Long story... I'm writing a book about it actually...Louie is the most amazing cat and has brought much joy to hour home, in a modest ranch in Cedarburg.

Then on February 14, 2021, we live-trapped a little female feral kitten who we'd been feeding on our porch all winter. We call her Boo because she reminded us of the character from Monster's Inc.: little and super cute! After living 8 weeks in our bathroom and recovering from surgery, she's become fast friends with Louie. Still working on the dog-feral-cat relationship, though. As far as Boo is concerned, Rocket is a coyote, and her fear of him triggers his prey drive. We've been trying to socialize them but it's proving quite a challenge, with a deaf dog who never was good at stay when he could hear. And he can't hear her warning hisses. She hasn't learned she has all the power and could slap him into submission. We're working on it.

My mom, Therese, thank God, is still with us, living at Newcastle in Mequon. Up until COVID she was sharp as a tack; the months of isolation last year, plus the loss of her social group was hard on her. God willing, she'll be 98 in August of 21. (She's aiming for 100.)

I'm a serial family entrepreneur, self-employed since 1993 except for a 15-month stint as working part-time at a public library 2014-2015. That was really hard to go back to punching a time clock!

My current business is Write Stuff Resources: I am a professional résumé writer. I also obtained my designation as a Certified Ghostwriter from CSULB. But I decided in late 2020 to shift my focus to helping people with their resumes. Much bigger need for that. Am creating a course.

That... in the process of launching a new art busines in the summer of 2021 with my husband. Very excited about it, more to come on that soon!

I have a BA-Journalism from UW-Madison where I worked as a producer and news stringer for Wisconsin Public Radio. My expertise include book publishing operations, marketing, ghostwriting, editing, direct marketing, public relations, graphic design, and newsletter and magazine editing. Met my soul mate Anthony in September and married in December, 1986; was Chrismated in 1999 and we remarried in the Orthodox Church on our 25th anniversary in 2011 . . . Marriage gets better every year!

After HS I lived in Madison, DePere, Hartford, Port Washington, Town of Grafton/Stonecroft Village, and now Cedarburg.

I've always been a very spiritual person, seeking deeper knowledge and understanding of human potential and our spiritual nature, ever since I was given the gift of a premonitory dream a week or so before my dad died when I was 10. Being a super-Aquarian (you know we all were born in the year of an amazing astrological event), I've always been very open to all kinds of ideas, and spiritually I investigated a wide range of religious traditions, including Buddhism, Taoism, the leading edge what publishers call "new age" explorers, and dated a wonderful Moslem man for almost 4 years. I always felt and now I know for sure I was guided throughout my life. My spiritual study took a profound turn with a series of incredible experiences at my father-in-law's death and funeral in Dec., '97; consequently announced willingness to be open God's active involvement in our lives. That was like rocket fuel. Once aligned with the Holy Spirit, everything began to fall into place including major career changes and best most important of all, the long-anticipated arrival of Elizabeth in 2002 after 15 years of marriage! What a joy! (Was gifted an original first edition printing of A Course in Miracles in '98 which I began studying at the same time I became a catechumin, and both led to finding my way home to the Orthodox Church in '99. And its been rich and growing ever since!) Five years ago we got a new priest who I don't resonate with as much and I wound up, still seeking, discovering what I believe to be the most important spiritual event, and have been studying and connecting with Abraham Hicks, since 2015. I'm really lit about that; there is zero conflict with the teachings of Christ, and in fact great further insights into many of Christ's teachings.

Had a great 12-year run of a fun arty graphic design business that employed up to 25 during our busy season, 8 regularly year-round, making t-shirts for dance studios all over the country and some overseas. Didn't survive the contraction of our market with the economic collapse of 2008, had to lay off our beloved staff and sold the business to a large competitor in 2011-2012. Went back to school for ghostwriting, started a new business devoted to writing.

School Story:

My fondest school memories had to do with some of our teachers . . . Joe Vitrano's Bob Dilan impersonations in Latin class are highly memorable . . . Mr. Streff's wonderfully challenging assignments . . . being part of the cast and crew of Bye Bye Birdie and R.U.R. Sledding parties and the slow dance parties at Heidi's house . . . the party at Jeff Nealy's "haunted" house on the county institution grounds . . . 8-track tapes playing Joe Walsh "Life's Been Good So Far" in my 1972 Satellite Sebring Plus . . . hanging out at Mayfair Mall before the second remodeling, when there were goldfish in the streams and an ice skating rink.

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Feb 03, 2024 at 4:33 AM
Feb 03, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Feb 03, 2022 at 4:33 AM
May 29, 2021 at 6:18 PM

Nice to see you, Jason! So sorry for you loss, may her memory be eternal. Hope you are well, and can join us on a Second Saturday for a Zoom reunion. Next one is June 12.

May 29, 2021 at 6:08 PM

Posted on: May 29, 2021 at 6:08 PM

May 29, 2021 at 7:54 PM

Posted on: May 29, 2021 at 6:07 PM

Gosh, I just saw an orchestra of bagpipes somewhere, but I think it was 900. Wish I could tell you where it was I saw them... saw it somewhere! :)

Honestly, though, if you like bagpipes, a few years ago we vacationed (one of our few and rare vacations) in a wonderful little town in Canada called Kincardine, Ontario, right on the eastern shore of Lake Huron. (Straight north from Detroit...) They're known for their bagpipe band which, in the summer, appears in a weekly parade down main street. And every night a lone bagpiper climbs to the top of the lighthouse and plays the pipes at sunset. It's in honor and memory of a bagpiper who saved an entire ship during a storm over 100 years ago when visibility was too poor for the ship to see the light but followed the sound of the pipes. Anyway... really WONDERFUL town. Maybe you could find your band there. (Canada is so great. Like an alternate Fringe reality up there -- the functional reality, compared to the US.)

May 29, 2021 at 5:55 PM

Welcome, Joe! Wow, you're much older than the rest of us! (Just teasing! Profile lists your birthday as 1932. ;)

May 29, 2021 at 5:51 PM

If anybody is in need of assistance with their resume, or you know anyone who needs help, please let them know I am available. Getting professional help can shorten the length of time to land a new job, by months, saving a LOT of money. And the process is highly educational. Here's link to a short video describing how it works. Also, I've made the decision in 2021 to not turn anyone away; I will help regardless of what they can afford. Since making this decision, people have started to tip me, and I now realize money is energy and it serves best when it flows. If someone pays less, others will pay more, and all works out.

May 29, 2021 at 5:47 PM
Feb 03, 2021 at 4:33 AM
Dec 07, 2020 at 12:49 PM
Nov 30, 2020 at 12:08 PM
Nov 30, 2020 at 12:07 PM
Feb 03, 2020 at 4:36 AM
Feb 03, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Feb 03, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Feb 03, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Laurel Kasemodel Kashinn has left an In Memory comment for Profile.
Oct 08, 2016 at 4:33 PM

So sad to see him go home so soon and hope his life mission was fulfilled. I did not know him well, but remember him from high school as a good natured and kind person. May his memory be eternal.

Laurel Kasemodel Kashinn has left an In Memory comment for Profile.
Oct 08, 2016 at 4:33 PM
Feb 03, 2016 at 4:33 AM
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Posted: Nov 02, 2014 at 2:59 PM
Circa 2009